
Creating a Good Bedtime Routine

Your baby's bedtime routine should be relaxing, as a way of helping your baby wind down, and also signal to your baby that it is time to go to bed. The more relaxing the routine is, the easier your baby will find it to fall asleep. A bedtime routine should be consistent, as babies find routine comforting and will feel happier if they know what's coming next.

When Should I Start a Routine?

You can start a bedtime routine for your baby when they are around 6-8 weeks old. It's up to you what your bedtime routine consists of, but make sure they are all quiet, winding down activities. Good bedtime routine activities include having a bath, having a massage, putting on pajamas, reading a story, having some milk, singing a lullaby, and having a cuddle. You can start your baby's routine anywhere, but make sure you do the last part of it in your baby's bedroom. If you do it all in the living room, or various parts of the house, your baby might find it a shock to suddenly find herself in her cot for the night. If your partner or caregiver puts your baby to bed, make sure they follow the same routine. If your baby sleeps in a sleeping bag, use it every night (using a lower tog if it's hot). Your baby will associate their sleeping bag with going to sleep.

How Long Should the Routine Last?

Your baby's bedtime routine should last about 30 minutes. Try not to get your baby too excited before you start the bedtime routine. Don't start any loud or energetic games at this time. Half an hour before you start the routine, have 'quiet playtime' where your baby plays but doesn't get over stimulated. Dim the lights to set the tone for winding down and have the TV and any music turned off. The key to a good bedtime regime is consistency, and keeping it relaxing.

When you take your baby off to bed, say goodnight together to other family members, pets, teddies and so on (obviously, you'll have to put a cap on how many objects they say goodnight to or you'll never make it up the stairs). If you do this every night, it's another ritual babies get comfort from and another way of signaling that it's bedtime.

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This internet site provides information of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional.