Creating a Safe and Effective Sleeping Environment

Household Noise

It isn't necessary to keep your house silent when your baby sleeps, as babies can sleep through a certain amount of noise. Noise is more likely to wake your baby when they are in the light stage of sleep. Babies' sleep cycles are approximately 50-60 minutes long, and at the end of each sleep cycle, they go from being in a deep sleep to a light sleep. This is when they are more likely to wake, if they are hungry for example, or hear a noise. Teaching your baby to self soothe, so that he gets himself back to sleep after waking, without the need to cry (which will wake him up fully) is a valuable skill that will give him a better night's sleep or more restful nap. Mum and Dad will get more sleep too!

You don't need to tiptoe around your house however, to ensure you don't accidentally wake your baby. In fact, it's better not to do this, so that your baby gets used to a certain amount of noise. If you keep the house deathly quiet at all times, your baby might get used to this and only be able to sleep in absolutely silent conditions, something they won't thank you for later on in life! Carry on doing what you would normally do around the house, so that your baby gets used to sleeping through the household hum. There's no need to turn the phone on silent or turn the washing machine off.

However, it's also important not to go to the other extreme, and have the TV blaring out as your baby is trying to sleep, or doing the vacuuming up right outside their room. While you can help get your baby used to sleeping through a certain amount of noise, there is a limit to what they will be able to sleep through. Babies can sleep through a lot, in particular newborns, who spend a lot of their time in a deep sleep, but they can't be expected to sleep soundly through noises such as doors slamming, loud bangs and dogs barking. No amount of persisting will change that; it will just result in a very sleep deprived baby!

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This internet site provides information of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional.