Changing & Bathing

Keeping Every Bit of Baby Clean and Cared For

Babies are messy creatures, and by the end of the day are usually covered in an array of milk, purees, drool and various other fluids! It's important to keep your baby clean as they have immature immune systems, which leaves them more vulnerable to infection. Making sure you look after every part of your baby will help keep them healthy, and a healthy baby is a happy baby! Our section on keeping every part of your baby clean and cared for includes advice on how to brush your baby's teeth, how to clean their ears and how to do what many parents dread: cutting baby's nails. Our experts have also put together a guide on how to care for your baby's umbilical cord stump, which is prone to infection if not properly cleaned and cared for.


Babies have delicate skin and sensitive scalps, which are prone to conditions such as cradle cap, rashes and dry skin, so making sure you look after your baby's skin and using the right products on your baby are very important. We hope to help you make the right choices for your baby and keep your baby's skin and scalp in tip-top shape.

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This internet site provides information of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional.