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Communicating With Your Baby

Your baby is learning to communicate with you as soon as they are born, first by crying, to communicate their needs, and then gradually by other methods, such as smiling, cooing, squealing, laughing and finally, by talking. Long before your baby speaks their first words however, they are learning the art of communication from you and others around them. Communicating with your baby is not only important for your baby's social and linguistic development, but is also a wonderful bonding experience for parents and their babies. It helps you to get to know each other, and enjoy special moments together.


  • Talking to a baby

    Talking To Your Baby

    Even though they can't talk back talking to your child is incredibly important for their learning process.

  • Listening to a baby

    Listen To Your Baby

    Learn why listening is both cute and important, we also look at how you should respond to your baby.

  • Baby signing

    Baby Signing

    Signing is the way your baby will naturally communicate with you before they can speak, take a look at how to get started with it.

Our section on communicating with your baby gives advice on how to talk to your baby, as well as the equally important task of listening to your baby as they coo and babble to you. It may sound like a nonsense to you but it's your baby's way of chatting to you!

Baby signing is hugely popular current trend among today's parents, as a way of communicating with their baby before they can speak. Many parents believe teaching their baby to sign makes life much easier, as they can understand their baby's needs easier. See our article on baby signing to find out more about the pros and cons of baby signing.

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This internet site provides information of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional.